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Designed for teachers working inside juvenile justice facilities, our Teacher Fellowship explores the theme of Educating Beyond Curriculum and brings teachers together to discover engaging, meaningful and relevant classroom projects that will allow their students to succeed. 

The BreakFree Teacher Fellowship is a paid, virtual and in-person opportunity.

About the Fellowship

How can students be empowered to have voice and choice within their learning environment? How can assessments be designed so that students show mastery by creating meaningful products that are reviewed by authentic audiences? How might designing lessons with purpose and intention allow for engaging experiences that set up all students to succeed?


Through this Fellowship, a cohort of teachers will explore these questions with a community of passionate educators and the BreakFree Education team.


Our cohort will explore the theme of Educating Beyond Curriculum.


From January through May, Fellows will participate in five evening virtual workshops to explore purposeful design and planning approaches to lesson building. As part of these workshops, each teacher will develop a short educational initiative (3-10 class periods) designed to foster student curiosity, improve student academic and problem-solving skills, and ensure that students master concepts within a core content area. Each initiative will be designed using BreakFree Education’s framework and will include a culminating project. 


In June Fellows will meet for an in-person, overnight 1-2 day retreat. At this retreat Fellows will workshop and

finalize their initiative designs. Fellows will then have the chance to publish their initiative through BreakFree’s teacher resources website. One or more Fellows’ initiative(s) will be chosen as a BreakFree sponsored initiative for the upcoming school year.


Applications for the 2023-24 school year will open in late fall 2024.

If you have questions after reading the eligibility requirements and Fellowship details below, please reach out to Kaylah Holland at


Eligibility Requirements

This Fellowship is open to all classroom teachers working in juvenile justice facilities (pre- and post-adjudication). Teachers in any core subject area are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be currently teaching virtually or in person, and plan to continue teaching in their current school at least through the end of the current school year. Teachers who have worked in facilities for 3+ years are encouraged to apply.


Because monthly workshops will be held virtually, applicants must have stable internet access and a computer with a webcam and microphone. 


As workshops will be scheduled during evening hours (EST), applicants must have availability to join during evening hours on the fourth Tuesday of each month.


Fellowship Description

Through interactive activities, technology explorations, and group discussions, Fellows will practice key design strategies for building engaging, relevant, and meaningful classroom projects. Fellows will learn from experts who have successfully led these types of projects within classrooms in juvenile justice spaces.


Participants will strengthen their skills in creating intentional lesson plans and objectives, and generating experiences that empower students, allowing them to succeed and be affirmed. Ultimately, teachers will design standards-aligned initiatives that guide students in discovering, practicing, and mastering concepts through short lessons and a culminating project. The designed initiatives will help students to examine the juvenile justice system or their current situations.


Upon successful completion of the program, Fellows will be provided with:

-- $750 stipend (made in two payments of $375)

-- Paid-for travel expenses to attend in-person retreat in June

-- BreakFree Education Teacher Fellow digital badge

-- Publication on BreakFree Education’s website


Fellowship Requirements

Fellows will join five Tuesday evening (EST) sessions from January 2024 through May 2024. Each evening session will be 1.5 hours long. The sessions will take the format of a workshop and will focus on strategies and resources to engage students, unit brainstorming and development, and opportunities for peer discussion. All sessions will be held live via Zoom.


With the support of the BreakFree Education team, all Fellows will draft and revise an educational initiative (3-10 lessons, including a culminating project) with detailed lesson plans. 


Fellows will attend the 1-2 day retreat in June to workshop and finalize their initiative design. Fellows’ work will be shared on the BreakFree Education website. Fellows may also have their initiative selected as a BreakFree sponsored initiative for the upcoming school year.


The Fellowship will launch on January 24, 2023, and conclude in June 2024. While the exact amount of time spent by each Fellow will depend on their initiative projects, we anticipate the Fellowship time commitment to be approximately 45 hours. This includes participation in virtual workshops, project design, and in-person retreat.


Key Dates

  • Wednesday November 15, 2023: Applications Due

  • Week of November 27, 2023: Interviews Held

  • Week of December 11, 2023: Notifications of Fellow Acceptances

  • Monday January 22, 2024: Workshop Session 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST

  • Monday February 26, 2024: Workshop Session 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST

  • Monday March 25, 2024: Workshop Session 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST

  • Monday April 22, 2024: Workshop Session 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST

  • Monday May 27, 2024: Workshop Session 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST

  • Mid-June 2023: In-person 1-2 day retreat


Applying for the Fellowship

If you are interested in applying to participate in the Fellowship, click on the link below.  Applications for the 2023-24 school year will open in late fall 2023.


BreakFree Teacher Fellowship

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