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In Uncovered, students become detectives, uncovering truth and shining a light on stories that should be told. Students will learn that climate change is not only a scientific issue but a social justice issue. In the Uncovered curriculum, students will learn how fact-finding is an essential skill to combat misinformation about climate change and what makes an argument scientific. The Uncovered curriculum culminates in giving students a chance to be a voice for the voiceless regarding climate change by creating a one minute documentary.

Please Note: BreakFree is not currently sponsoring the Uncovered initiative, however the resources and materials are still available to teachers below.

Teacher Resources

The semi-structured curriculum below is ready to be customized by teachers.  We have provided a 9-day curriculum, of 60-minute lessons.  Adjusting to meet your students' needs is strongly encouraged.

If you need the below resources in PDF format, please email us at!

Lesson plans

Please note: Slides are in google format, but can be downloaded in .ppt. All slides for days 1-9 are included. All materials or handouts referenced are linked to in the individual google slides or teacher notes accompanying the slides.

To download the slides as Microsoft PPT, click here.

Learn more about how to submit student articles for publication.




2022 Calendar

Please note, the lesson days can be customized to best fit your school schedule.

21-22 Calendars (5).png



1st Place
AS, AJ, & JJ
Spectrum Girls (MA)

doc 1st place.png

Honorable Mention

Doc HM CW.png

Harvard House (MA)

Doc HM Ds.png


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