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Through Unknown, students will learn about HeLa cells and the story of Henrietta Lacks. Students will also dive into the ethics behind using humans in research, patient rights, and informed consent. Students will utilize their artistic skills by completing both a self-portrait and a 3D model of a cell structure.
Registration will open a few weeks in advance to initiative launch
Teacher Resources
The semi-structured curriculum below is ready to be customized by teachers. We have provided a 6-day curriculum, of 60-minute lessons. Adjusting to meet your students' needs is strongly encouraged.
If you need the below resources in PDF format, please email us at!
Please note: Slides are in google format, but can be downloaded in .ppt. All slides for days 1-6 are included. All materials or handouts referenced are linked to in the individual google slides or teacher notes accompanying the slides.
To download the slides as Microsoft PPT, click here.
1st Place
Self Portrait
by Ray
Escambia Boys (FL)

1st Place
Henrietta Lacks Portrait
by E. North
Morehead Youth Development Center (KY)

Honorable Mention
1st Place
Portrait of Henrietta Lacks
by C.P.
RFK South Hadley (MA)

1st Place
by E.D.
Datema House (MO)

Honorable Mention
by R.R.
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